1. 生物无机化学:设计和合成含功能性基团的铂、钌等金属配位化合物,并研究其抗癌活性和机理。
化工原理, 化工原理实验, 化工制图, 综合实验。
1.新型无机抗肿瘤药物的合成及生物活性研究,鞍山市科技局科技计划项目(09SF23) 2009.07-2012.09, 主持, 已结题;
2.新型吸附材料—多孔配位聚合物的设计、合成及其性能研究, 鞍山市科技局科技计划项目(2011MS36), 20011.07-2013.09, 主持,已结题;
3.杂多酸配合物合成及光催化降解有机染料污水研究, 鞍山市科技局科技计划项目(2014MS16), 20014.07-2016.09, 主持,已结题;
4.新型富勒烯衍生物化学稳定性及光学性质的理论研究, 辽宁省科技厅自然科学基金(2013020096), 2013.06-2015.06, 参与,已结项;
5. 含DNA插入基团的新型铂配合物合成及抗癌活性研究,辽宁省科技厅自然科学基金(20180550712), 2018.09-2022.09, 主持,已结项.
1. Haifeng Yu*,Kehua Wang, Xue Zhang,Wenju Wang. Complementary and Regioselective Synthesis of Isomeric 3-[Isoxazol-3(or5)-yl]indoles fromβ-Ethylthio-β-indolyl-α,β-unsaturated
Ketones, Synthesis, 2021, 53, 1989–1999.
2. Kehua Wang* , Mingchang Zhu, Shuang Ma, Xin Li, Meng Zhang, Enjun Gao.Three water soluble coordination polymers: synthesis, crystal structure and luminescent sensingfor Cr(Ⅵ) and MnO4−ions in the aqueous phase, Polyhedron, 2019, 166,60-64.
3. 彭程佳, 王克华*, 陆为学, 管纯倩, 胡雅静,马双,朱明昌,高恩君. 一个镍(Ⅱ)配合物的合成、晶体结构及其与鲱鱼精DNA/BSA作用的光谱学研究, 光谱学与光谱分析, 2019, 39(2), 559-564.
4. Kehua Wang* . Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Photoluminescent Properties of Two Porous Pillared-Layer Metal-Organic Frameworks Constructed by Benzene-1,3,5-Tricarboxylic Acid and Bisimidazole Ligands. Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2019, 45(5), 371–377.
5. Kehua Wang*, En-Jun Gao. Synthesis, crystal structure, DNA binding, molecular docking, cytotoxic activities and apoptosis of two copper (II) complexes constructed by 1,10-phen and semirigid bridge ligands,Inorganica Chimica Acta,2018, 482, 221–228.
6. Kehua Wang*.Three-pillared layer metal–organic frameworks assembled by imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate and rigid bisimidazole ligands: synthesis, crystal structure, and sensing nitroaromatics, Journal of Coordination Chemistry,2017, 70(24), 3982-3995.
7. Z. Wang, K. H. Wang*, L. J. Zhao, Y. Zhang, N. N. Chen, J. F. Zhao, F. Zhang, Y. Y. Shi. Two 2D Coordination Polymers Constructed from Rigid bis(imidazoly) Ligands and Different Carboxylate: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence Property. Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya, 2016,42(12) 751-757.
8. K.H. Wang*, M.-C. Zhu, D.-L. Wang, J. Bai,Y. Liu, G. Xin, T.-C. Li, D.-Y. Hou, and E.-J Gao. Solvothermal synthesis, crystal structure, and photoluminescent properties of two Cu(Ⅰ) coordination polymers constructed by bisimidazole ligands. Journal of Structural Chemistry,2015,56(1) ,191-196.
9. Kehua Wang*, En-Jun Gao. Recent advances in multinuclear complexes as potential anticancer and DNA binding agents,Anticancer Agents in Medical Chemistry, 2014,14, 147-169.
10. Kehua Wang*, En-Jun Gao. Synthesis, crystal structure, and characterization of two three fold interpenetrating Co(Ⅱ) coordination polymers based on 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid and length modulated bisimidazole ligands. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2014, 67(4) , 563-571